Here goes
What do you do? You get slapped, beaten, persecuted, because of the colour of your skin. You are told they hate you because you block corridors, and hang out together. At other times they say you stink, your food smells funny, and the curry you make should be smashed on your face. They accuse you of studying too much, working too much, not saying no to crazy timings, extra work, or less pay.
All the things you uphold as good - study, work, honesty are thrown at your face as they twist your arm, and yell, “ Blacky, Paki, Curry or whatever the dirty word going around for brown skin is.
The flip side. We are not easy people to host. We’re greedy, we circumvent the system, our genes are programmed to make us cunning. We start by arriving in small numbers, then we get the whole village. Everyone lives on dole, and we are well settled. Yes, we are not very civic minded, and we do tend to stick together. And if you’re a white woman, our cousins who’ve just come from the pind will probably stare at you a little longer than they should. And if they’re in a group of three, chances are they’ll even pass a leery comment or two.
But, does that justify the hate? I don’t think so. But then I’m Indian. Maybe if the firangs came to my country and started to do the same, I’d be just as mad. As it is we grumble when the rents go up in Bandra…bloody firangs, pushing the rents up.
But do we beat them, hammer them, hack them, abuse them? No, because we can’t get over them. We love their white skin.
And because, hopefully, we're not like that. I saw Gandhi the other night. And it made my hair stand on end. I had goose bumps. And I felt so proud; I could have jumped up and sung the national anthem right there and then.
This is the country of ahimsa. This is where you treat a guest like god. This is where you uphold good middle class values like want not, waste not. This is where you study like maniacs to do better than everyone else. This is where you live crazy chaotic lives and still top the happiness index !
So then what?
Then…there is only one solution – biological warfare. Reproduce like mice or rabbits or emus or whatever. And spread…take over the world. Grab their country, their jobs, their schools, their colleges, their hospitals. Make brown the new white. Just proliferate, and prosper.
They hit one of us; ten more will land on their shores. They take one job from us, we’ll take twenty back. We’ll eat them out of their homes and their countries. We will not just block the corridor. We will take over the corridor!
Whew. Scary thought though.
* thanks kadambari for setting me off!
nice post. Don't you think that the Chinese and us have practised this though?
Wow. Intense. Nonsense. :D
nice post no doubt, but i was wondering, what is that rabbit on top trying to do with the one underneath?and why is the title so light years away from the post?enlighten thy!!!!!!!!
Hahaha... guess i've heard this entire concept somewr.. was it Russel Peters? yeah tink it is..! :)
AGG... I see your point of view... I feel your anger... but I beg to disagree...
I tried to reply and ended up with a comment the size of a blog post... and so I put it up on my blog...
Kadambari has ended up causing a chain reaction...
nice way to retaliate...but kinndda tough with immigration and visa thingy....
and will take time ...and moreover some have to marry me for this...and see it will be further slow retaliation :P
Colour difference? Won't really matter in a few million years. Because at the rate at which we are hybridizing, there's bound to be a racial "ironing out" and then we will have a uniform ethnic race on a long enough timeline. It's all theoretical right now, but if you look at it, makes very common sense. Imagine.
One hell of an interesting post..can you put it up for me to share with other friends..I think I'd like more people to read this post. maybe Facebook ?
OMG!!! That is soo hilarious!!!
I started reading the latest post by "As The Mind Meanders" and since I had already read Kadambari's post, followed the link and ended up here.
Reminds me of something a Pak Leader(was it Jinnah?) said at the time of our independence, "Lad Ke Liya Pakistan Paida Karke Lenge Hindustan"!!!
So you see this is an old concept. :)
Hey AGG... Think... if it ever happens... if the world turns brown...
The colours white and brown will have the names interchanged... brown will be the new white and vice versa... And shit will no longer be brown in colour...
The name of every airport terminal in the world changed to Chatrapati Shivaji Airport and every train station to Chatrapati Shivaji Terminus...
New York run by NYMP (Navi York Mahanagar Palika)
Move over tequila / JD... here comes narangi mosambi
No beef policy (half the white population dies of starvation)
Final Name Change... Earth to Mahabharatbhoomi...
@the knife: yeah...we do. i don't know why they went after saddam, when they should have come chasing us.
@divya: heh heh...you hit the nail on the head.
@zillionbig: uh? rabbits? make out like rabbits? like have sex like rabbits? like lots of little rabbits? that kind of thing.
@anon: i loooove russell peters. but why are you anon?
@blog gore: look what kadmabari started. another reply to your reply to my reply to kadambari. dude, we could do another combined blog on this!
@daydreamer: right. i can see many people volunteering for the post of biological weapon maker! lol...nice job what?
@slash: great link. i know it's just a theory right now, but i love this sort of thing. an uniform coffee coloured race it says. my, we could even call them lattes!
@this and that: will mail to you. kisses : ) just!
@choco: read your comment on blog gore's blog. thanks for dropping by. Did jinnah really say that? Wily old fellow.
@blog gore again: navi york mahanagar pallika and naragi mosambi - nooooooooooo, I don't want us to take over the world! but dude, you are too funny.
we are a good host? dont think so yet..the government wouldnt have to make aamir khan teach us what a good host should be..that said, it still does not justify the attacks on indians down under
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