I think I’ve turned Mumbaikar. I’m plotting things like how to bring the flowerbeds into the house, how to steal the neighbours vent area, can I encroach into the common lobby, should I make my window grills large enough to house a study room.
Nothing new. Considering in Mumbai sab chalta hai when it comes to making the most of every inch of space.
Check out what I saw from Z’s window. it looks like just another building, with a bunch of windows facing you. But wait...

omygod. this is the most bizarre thing i've seen in my own city.
Ok, one thing to add to my checklist if I ever go acco-hunting in Bombay. :-D
Flush tank eh! Ahh.. probably they encroached upon the streets and Municipality knocked down everything! The loo would have been the victim. :D
Ah... Don't you get it...Its exercise... thats why the flush is outside the window...
Imagine the chap on the pot... after doing whatever needed to be done... holding on the commode in one hand and trying to reach out to the flush... outside the window... with the other hand...
Its yoga...
bizzare...and wat a color :P
the tank looks inaccessible from through the window. so does that mean the wall has a hole, and the level is actually inside? that's a credit for ergonomics, no?
The term "personal space" acquires an urgent poignancy in Mumbai, unlike in any other city, especially when you are living in 500 sq ft 1 BHK flat.
I should know. I lived that life close to 15 years before shifting to Chennai which offered more breathing space!
its not just about being inventive, i think the whole idea is aggressively "in your face" - he/she is trying to say something to the world at large...interpret at your own risk!!!
in earlier comment i meant "lever" and not "level" :)
i have seen the works, but this is definitely a first!!
Delurking thanks to this hilarious post. I thought I had seen everything in this city.. but this takes the cake!!
Bluddy hell!! Now that's what I call space saving! Not a bad idea though ... but you'll always have to be nice to the kids in the colony, or one of them might just be tempted to get some traget practice with that katty. I know I would. What fun! :)
Hahaha now thats something new even after so many years in Bombay... What lengths people will go to :P
:D...I wonder if their AC is in the neighbor's house...
BTW Got here from swb's blog...will be back :)
@all those who left a comment: will haunt your blogs coz i stalk all those who visit mine. sorry, can't answer to your comments, it's a crazy day at work. darn...who coined that damn, thank god it's friday thing. he was waaay off the mark.
hahaha thats so funky!!!
but what if u need to check if the water is full or if the pipe isnt working or something??
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